Ciel d’encre Bleu d’enfer : Run Babies Run
By Jacques Louvet
This is the first novel by French Captain Jacques Louvet, who masters the art of story telling in a fascinating page-turner.
The narrative transports readers between decades and story lines.
Alby is a young French talented musician, studying in London, who signs up for a famous British TV show. All alone behind her piano, she intones a song of her composition and the public immediately falls for her. Three decades earlier, two young girls Rose Turner and Louise Walsh meet in a sordid orphanage on the island of Jersey. A few years later, the teenagers manage to escape and sail away to France…
An anthem to friendship, audacity, youth and passion, this engaging novel embodies today’s much-debated topics such as freedom of speech, acknowledgment of victims and justice.
A scrupulous fact-checker, Louvet draws on his lifetime experience at sea and personal childhood memories, fueled by a raving imagination to tell a captivating and addictive story.
Published in French and available on Amazon.com

Fly Over, Et c’est ainsi que nous vivrons
By Douglas Kennedy
The New Yorker’s vision of his country’s future is quite disruptive to say the least. ‘Fly Over’ is a reference to the middle states of the United States, known to be politically conservative, and that most people literally fly over on their way from one coast to the other, with the East Coast & California being known to be traditionally more liberal. This apocalyptic analysis of the future of his native country, post Trump & Biden, is set in 2045.
The country is now divided in two, with the United Confederation a theocratic regime on one side and the secessionist United Republic on the other, a totalitarian regime disguised as a democracy. A neutral zone exists nonetheless, set in part of the city of Minneapolis.
A very noir future indeed, imagined by Douglas Kennedy, the American writer who lives in Paris, Ireland and New York and whose country is already much divided in this election year.
The writer’s latest opus, published in France by Belfond Editions is yet to be released in the United States.
More infos at www.belfond.fr