With more than 25 years in the industry, Prof. Paolo Giacomoni is an expert in the development of prestige skin care products that successfully remove and prevent age-inducing damage. He is well known for being extremely attentive to new technologies deriving from the progress of science in the fields of epigenetics, microbiome, nutricosmetics, circadian rhythms, DNA repair, energy production and immune protection. 

A few years ago, Mrs Ronit Raphael was looking for a scientist to lead the R&D of L.RAPHAEL Science of Beauty. An Austrian Biochemist working in Paris suggested my name. She called me and we had a long, interesting conversation. We were both extremely demanding. Ronit was looking for a real hardcore scientist who could work for her in exclusivity. 
I always strove to generate products meeting market needs and wanted to make sure that product efficacy would have been the main concern of this common endeavor. After that conversation, I went to Geneva and met Ronit. Apparently, she found that I was a good match for her search, and I had the opportunity to totally agree with the core values of L.RAPHAEL. It’s philosophy, resting on the so-called Seven Foundations of Beauty, is a very sensible approach to beauty. In this vision, skin care acts synergistically with the attention brought to health, nutrition, physical exercise, age management, stress management, aesthetics and leisure. Ever since we have been successfully working together”. 

Recently, the Geneva-based brand launched  Green Caviar Cellular Repair, a highly effective anti-aging line designed for seasonal changes, which has a real structural effect on skin cells.