Duncan Aviation is extremely pleased to announce that manager of Audit Programs Mike Brown has accepted a certificate on the company’s behalf from WYVERN Ltd. The certification recognizes Duncan Aviation for having a Safety Management System (SMS) in place at its repair station in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Duncan Aviation is an active participant in the FAA’s voluntary SMS program, and because of its voluntary nature, there is no certification of Repair Stations’ SMS by the FAA. WYVERN, a global company that is committed to guiding aviation companies in safety-risk management, has filled that void.

Based on the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards, WYVERN verified that the Duncan Aviation SMS met four levels of performance: Has an SMS in place, takes measures to mitigate risks from human factors, incorporates safety into the company’s culture, and has a means to assess basic aviation risks.

WYVERN certifies an organization to SMS Level 1 when all of the elements are present. SMS Level 2 verifies that the elements are present and operational, and SMS Level 3 shows that the elements work; that they’re effective in ensuring the safety of our team members, our products and services, and our customers. 

“SMS Level 3 means that our SMS policy can’t just be a manual on a shelf collecting dust,” Brown says. “The organizations that set international standards want to see the policy in action. WYVERN verified that our SMS coordinates all safety-related activity so we can better manage hazards. The audit found that we as a company use the SMS to help us learn from history, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions as we resolve issues.”