Savback Helicopters, the independent helicopter and fixed-wing sales specialist, is now the Exclusive Sales Representative to sell the Italy-based manufacturer of turbine-engined K1-S19 and K2 helicopters across the Nordic region (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland) as well as the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Sales will be handled from both Savback’s headquarters in Sweden and their UK office at Nottingham Heliport.
The two types produced by Konner Helicopters are intended for private owners.
As European Rotors 2023 opened in Madrid, Konner Helicopters was displaying both models. Last year at the 2022 event in Cologne, the company successfully displayed the K1-S19 model.

Central to both models is the proprietary TK-250 turboshaft engine. Running on diesel, biodiesel, JP-1, or JP-4 fuel options, the TK-250 has full FADEC (full authority digital engine control) to automatically manage the engine functionality and provide peace of mind for the pilot. The TK-250 is one of the very few turboshaft engines designed with both the fixed- and rotary- wing markets in mind. TK-250 has been intentionally developed for both markets in such a way that it could be used by either, with very little modifications and software setup.
The Konner helicopter models also feature the very innovative HFA system – Hybrid Flight Assistance. This additional electric engine is switched on in the situation of an engine failure – a significant safety feature which completely removes the “Dead Man’s Curve” risk factor for the pilot.
Savback Helicopters has purchased a K1-S19 demonstrator aircraft, which is scheduled for delivery in March 2024.