MRO Insider Surpasses 500 Registered Aircraft

MRO Insider Surpasses 500 Registered Aircraft

MRO Insider announced that in February the website is celebrating the registration of over 500 corporate aircraft on the maintenance quoting marketplace.  MRO Insider is a web-based tool for obtaining maintenance quote requests for eleven different maintenance...

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Aircraft interiors: Comlux confirms its expertise

Aircraft interiors: Comlux confirms its expertise

In 2018, Comlux maintained a steady stream of customers in the maintenance sector but also earned four new operators, including three US-based BBJs and one BBJ2 in the Middle East. In parallel with the growth of the maintenance activity, Comlux simultaneously realized...

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Bestfly achieves IS-BAO Stage 2

Bestfly achieves IS-BAO Stage 2

Bestfly, the Angola-based aviation services company, has achieved IS-BAO, International Standard for Business Aviation Operators, Stage 2. This is the first time an Angolan business aviation company has been awarded the status, which is designed to help flight...

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10 Four More Global 7500 for HK Bellawings Jet Limited

10 Four More Global 7500 for HK Bellawings Jet Limited

HK Bellawings Jet Limited of Hong Kong firmed up an order for four Global 7500 business jets. This news comes as the flagship Global 7500 aircraft arrives at the Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (ABACE), its first airshow since entering service. “We...

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Embraer completes Praetor 600 Brazilian Certification

Embraer completes Praetor 600 Brazilian Certification

Embraer announced on April 18, 2019 that the company’s new Praetor 600 super-midsize business jet was granted its Type Certificate by Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC—Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil). The Praetor 600, which improves the capabilities of the...

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A Global 7500 completes the world’s longest flight

A Global 7500 completes the world’s longest flight

On March 3, 2019, the Global 7500 aircraft completed the longest mission ever flown by a purpose-built business jet by flying 8,152 nm. The flight also sets the record for speed over the longest range, connecting Singapore to Tuscon, AZ with fuel to...

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More Citation XLS+ in China

More Citation XLS+ in China

Textron Aviation Inc. announced that Cessna-AVIC Aircraft (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd., a Textron Aviation joint venture in China, has signed agreements with the Flight Inspection Center of CAAC (CFIC) for eight new Cessna Citation XLS+ business jets. Deliveries of...

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