Lufthansa Technik had a mixed economic picture after the first half of the year. While the global market leader in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) once again achieved a record result for the period from January to the end of June thanks to a very strong second quarter, the company is also experiencing the strong pressure on the aviation industry as a whole. 

After the first half of 2024, earnings now amount to 319 million euros. Lufthansa Technik saw a further 9.6 percent increase compared to the previous record figure of 291 million euros from the previous year – despite the strike costs that significantly impacted the first quarter. Revenue at the end of June amounted to 3.6 billion euros (previous year: 3.1 billion euros, +16.5%). The adjusted EBIT margin dropped accordingly, from 9.3% to 8.8%. This trend must be reversed in order to achieve the goal of the “Ambition 2030” corporate strategy, namely a sustained double-digit margin. 

Digital activities are also developing very well with regard to the expansion of the product portfolio, customer base and revenue. The AMOS software developed by Lufthansa Technik subsidiary Swiss-AS is used extensively by airlines around the world – and those who are not yet using AMOS are still very interested in it. AVIATAR, the platform for airline operations with a wide range of digital products and services, is also continuing its positive trend. 

There is also good news on the recruitment front: the recruitment measures continue to be effective. By the end of June, the number of employees was over 23,400, compared to 21,500 at the same time last year. Lufthansa Technik remains strongly committed to promoting young talent. In early August, more than 300 young people will begin their training at the German locations.