Gulfstream G700 Earns Additional Certifications
Gulfstream Aerospace’s all-new Gulfstream G700 has earned additional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certifications following the G700 FAA type certification on March 29. The new production and interior supplemental type certifications further clear the G700 for...
Gulfstream G700 Earns FAA Certification
The Gulfstream G700 has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) type certification, paving the way for customer deliveries. The G700’s FAA certification also confirmed two new performance improvements, giving customers increased flexibility and airport...
Dassault Aviation’s KL MRO
Dassault Aviation has opened a major new maintenance, repair, and overhaul facility In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, that will greatly enhance service for Falcon operators in Southeast Asia. Operating under the ExecuJet brand, the state-of-the-art factory service...
Atlas Air Service to partner with Gogo
Gogo Business Aviation is partnering with Atlas Air Service AG to develop the first European Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the Gogo Galileo HDX antenna for the Cessna CitationJet series of light jet aircraft and another STC for the Embraer Phenom 300. “For...
Franz List dies at 76
It is with great sadness that the high-end interiors company F/LIST announced the death of its supervisory board chairman and visionary, Franz List. The interiors pioneer passed away on March 23 at the age of 76 after a serious illness. He leaves a big gap not only in...
Launching Enterjet
Private aviation entrepreneur, Charles Robinson, has launched Enterjet - a world first platform to connect private flyers directly with vetted aircraft operators. This ground-breaking service operates much the same as Skyscanner, allowing flyers to search for...
Top dealers awards
Gogo, the world’s largest provider of broadband connectivity services for the business aviation market named the organizations to receive the company’s highest dealer honor for 2023 – the Gogo Business Aviation 51,000 Five. The award recognizes the highest-performing...
Falcon 6X makes debut at Macau FBO
The Dassault Falcon 6X arrived at TAG Macau FBO. The aircraft recently certified by the European Aviation Agency (EASA) and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) marks a new era in business aviation with its cutting edge technology and exceptional...
Aero-Dienst expanding in Vienna
Aero-Dienst, the Nuremberg-based full-service provider for business aviation and air ambulance services, will inaugurate an expansion of its hangar space at the Vienna maintenance line station on April 1, 2024. Increasing the area to around 16,145 sq. ft. is the...
Embraer’s Luís Carlos Affonso, honored with inaugural Pathfinder Award
Aviation Week Network’s 66th Laureate Awards presented Embraer’s Senior Vice President of Engineering and Technology Development, Luís Carlos Affonso, with the inaugural Pathfinder Award. The prestigious award recognized his significant contributions to the...
LatestAMAC Aerospace: Sales Insights and Market Outlook
In the video below, you will find the fourth video in AMAC Aerospace’s 2024 Annual Report series....
LatestHotel Barrière Le Majestic’ Signature tailor-made services
For several years the hotel located at 10 La Croisette in Cannes, has focused on the truly...
PopularYachts and helicopters: a matter of size …
More and more yacht owners want a helipad to be integrated right from the design of their new...