After a long period of intensive and very professionally conducted negotiations, the “Kommunalförbundet Svenskt Ambulansflyg” (KSA) has opted for six Pilatus PC-24s in a fully equipped air ambulance configuration. These PC-24s will provide aeromedical care across Sweden from 2021.

KSA is a national organisation formed, mutually owned and financed by all 21 regions in Sweden. The regions are responsible for ensuring that everyone living in Sweden has equal access to good healthcare. Time is the essence for patients in an emergency and given the vastness of Sweden, the establishment of a national air ambulance service provides all residents with access to rapid, professional aeromedical care.

Following an extremely intensive selection process, Pilatus was naturally pleased with the award of the contract for delivery of six PC-24s. The aircraft are scheduled for delivery to KSA in 2021. 

Oscar J. Schwenk, Chairman of Pilatus, commented as follows: “I’m delighted to see the first air ambulance organisation in Europe opt to buy the PC-24. The highly professional selection process confirmed that the PC-24 is indeed the perfect aircraft for medevac missions. I’m also particularly happy that we managed to carry the day with our Swiss aircraft in a highly competitive market segment. We see further worldwide market potential for our PC-24 in this area.”