By Iris Savage – ©Jekta

Since the first amphibious flights in the 1910s, aircraft with the capability to take off from and land on water and runways have inspired scenes depicting romance, adventure, and glamour. Flying boats played a pivotal role in the dawn of aviation and today provide a versatile means of transportation. They power the economies of island nations, connect those separated by vast tracts of water and give access to remote locations. They transport passengers, mail, cargo, and patients, as well as flying crucial lifelines for flooding and hurricane recovery programs.

Seaplanes and flying boats make an understated mark on global tourism, and way before the eVTOL sector began discussing the last mile, these airframes have been flying the last leg in many a voyage. The trend for luxury tourism is towards experiential travel, which is the domain of the amphibious machine. Yet it’s an industry that operates under the radar and has lacked a dedicated conference platform until now. Quaynote Communications, veterans of organizing the Future Opportunities series, is building on twenty years of managing superyacht and business aviation meetings by launching a new event focused on the amphibious and seaplane sector.

The Future Opportunities for Seaplanes and Amphibious Aviation (FOSAA) will debut at the Hilton Molino Stucky in Venice on March 20th this year. Current amphibious airframes and seaplanes were designed more than fifty years ago, and operators are understandably eager for change. They want to recapitalize their fleets with modern, efficient aircraft and operations.

To this end, seasoned professionals, OEMs, operators, infrastructure experts, start-ups, next-gen entrepreneurs, and professionals invested in the sector will be meeting to discuss what is next for the industry. With the advent of electric propulsion, new materials, and the sustainable imperative, amphibious aviation is poised for a resurgence that could reshape local and regional aerospace possibilities.

The potential is enormous, and we want the event to provide an environment for the industry to come together to share concerns, successes and knowledge. The feedback so far has been more positive than we could have imagined, and there is clearly demand,” says Quaynote director Lorna Titley. Event sponsors include zero-emissions flying boat OEM Jekta, electric seaplane developer Elfly, Nicelli Airport, aviation design group MB Vision and connectivity provider Satcom Direct. “Keeping customers connected is what we’re all about, and this event addresses the connectivity issues that face those living around water by exploring how amphibious aviation can add another vital link to the global air transport network. We’re a strong believer in supporting events that support the industry and are proud to be a part of it,” says Stacey Giglio, VP of Marketing for SD. A new amphibious flying era is dawning, and FOSAA is its springboard into the future.