On the first day of the Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition – April 17-19, Shanghai, Fokker Techniek announced that it has signed a contract for the cabin layout of an ACJ319neo with a long-time customer, K5-Aviation. The works, which should begin in May 2019, will be linked to a delivery of the unit at the beginning of the year 2020. This order is in addition to the finishes already contracted. Luca Madone of K5-Aviation says: “The awarding of this work to Fokker Techniek was a logical extension of the existing relationship which has come from the two companies previously working together on various projects.” Jeff Armitage, General Manager of the company said, for his part, that he was “very honored by this contract, and the fact that it will be the first Airbus ACJ319neo to be developed in the world”.
Contract signed by Fokker Techniek and K5-Aviation