To address the needs of regional air mobility and electric general aviation, AURA AERO – a leading aircraft manufacturer in hybrid and electric aircraft based at Toulouse-Francazal airport – has signed with EDF (Electricité de France) a Memorandum of Understanding to work together on future electric aviation and notably on the electric charging of aircraft. 

This partnership aims to associate the pioneering experience of AURA AERO in the development of electric aircraft and the expertise of EDF, in order to define the charging infrastructures and means that will be required given the operational needs and rotation scenarios of electric and hybrid aircraft at airports. 

Another innovation presented at the show is a charging station prefiguring the superchargers of tomorrow intended for INTEGRAL E. These charging infrastructures will eventually be available in every airport and their deployment is already being prepared. IZIVIA, an EDF Group subsidiary, will mobilize its skills for the provision of these stations, essential for the development of electric aviation. 

EDF Group is convinced that electric mobility can apply to all types of transport and is committed to supporting the aviation sector in its transition towards a greener and more sustainable aviation, by supplying a 96% CO2 free electricity mix in France. 

In the frame of this agreement, with different operational scenarios depending on aircraft size and operation type, AURA AERO and EDF will carry out a technical study to evaluate charging needs and frame a strategy over time, covering the different types of airports and airfields in Europe.